Tuesday, April 25, 2017


First day back from break, and I am not looking forward to seeing my desk at work.  My desk is usually a mess -- an organized mess, but a mess, just the same.  Piles of papers to correct; piles of papers to return; piles of papers to file; binders to organize; folders of copying to be done; absentee work to hand out ... and on and on.

When I left work ten days ago, I felt like crap warmed over.  I was just starting round two of a cold, a new and improved cold that knocked me for a huge loop for my entire break.  I didn't stay late that Friday, and I brought home a bunch of work to do.  I am still finishing up a unit on the Titanic, and I have a bunch of side lessons to work into my repertoire. 

I amble to my room Monday morning, fully expecting to be greeted by an incredible towering mess of paper chaos.  I almost don't want to open the door, but I know that I must.  I have to face it, get it over with, sit down, and sort through it all. The key goes in the door lock, and I slip into the dark room.  Taking a deep breath, I hit the fluorescent lights and gaze at the desk.

What ... the ... HALLELUJAH!

Slowly, very slowly, I remember what I did the Friday before break, the morning I woke up feeling like dung warmed over.  It was a half day, and the students were creating their mini-me game characters for the simulated sinking of the Titanic, which is happening this week post-break.  I remember sitting at my desk, not feeling like talking much because my throat hurt. 

Oh, yeah!  I passed back a bunch of papers and did a slew of filing and recycled a bunch of stuff from my file boxes, file cabinets and from my ... DESK!

That's right!  I cleaned off my desk so I could come back to an organized room!

It may be my first day back after ten days off, but this is rapidly turning into the Best Day Ever!  Thank you, clean desk, thank you, thank you, thank you!  And thank you, selective memory, for allowing me this wonderful moment, this unexpected gift.  Sometimes having a sieve brain is a wonderful thing.  Either that or it's old age, but I'm going for sieve brain.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it, right here at my ultra-organized desk.