Tuesday, July 12, 2016


I wander into a stationery store today.  I'm a little shocked because I didn't think people actually wrote to each other nowadays, but this store is chock full of note paper and more.  I feel a little bit like I've dropped into Heaven and a time warp all at the same time.

I have to stop myself from buying packages of fancy card stock.  The last thing I need is more paper, especially note cards that are $15 for a small box.  It's bad enough I forced myself to put back a journal in the last store we were in, even though the journal had me written all over it -- The cover said in fancy letters, "Pardon my French."  But this place ... everything I touch has me written all over it.

Seashore paper for writing notes to my few friends even though we stay in touch on social media; clever invitations to parties that I'll never throw; hilarious napkins too funny and fancy to actually use; note pads for phone messages that I'll never take because everyone texts!

I'm quite certain that I am pissing off the sales clerks when I whip out my phone and start snapping pictures of their store.  Since I want everything and can't afford anything, I'll take pictures of something and purchase nothing.

My favorite three items, though, turn out to be: a small pad of sticky-notes that say "The trouble with trouble is it starts out as fun" (truth - always, for me, anyway, this is true), note cards that say "No-vino-phobia: the fear of running out of wine" (another truism, at least on Saturdays), and the extremely timely pad of paper with the sound advice for many, many people who surround me, "I hope karma slaps you before I do" (there are at least three people standing in the front of this line).

Sorry, folks.  Like I said, in the end I do not buy any items from the store.  Next time, perhaps.  For now, though, the blog can spread these thoughts to you.  Pretend I wrote them.  Well, I do and I did write THESE words, but pretend I wrote those other words to you on these papers that I did not actually buy. 

After all, I'll probably find a way to get myself into trouble, and the trouble with trouble is that it starts out as fun, and with a bad case of novinophobia, I might end up slapping someone before karma does.  To be honest, I'm not sure I have enough bail money to cover the charges.