Thursday, July 28, 2016


Am I the only one who doesn't want the heatwave to end?

I love this weather.  LOVE IT.

Running an errand?  Throw on my flip-flops and hope I remembered to put on a bra.  Outer wear?  A shirt with sleeves, maybe a light sweater in case the temperature dips below 75.  Getting dressed up?  A sundress counts, as long as I wear kickass sandals and some excellent jewelry.  Hair frizzing?  It's probably from the beach, and NO, I won't be getting an electric shock every time I touch something.

Driving in the car?  Windows down and radio on.  Too humid?  Windows up, radio on, and air conditioner blasting.  Need to regulate your body temperature?  No need to spend an hour or more glued to a heater or blazing fireplace -- Jump into a pond, lake, ocean, pool, or sprinkler, and it's INSTANT COOL. Cold drinks =  add ice; Hot drinks = boil water, brew tea, add sugar (etc.), wait for it to cool...

Every day it's sunny with clear blue skies.  Pretty much, anyway.  So far, as they say, so good.

Why?  Why would you want this to end?  Heatwave on, baby!  See you at the beach.