Saturday, June 4, 2016


Thank you, techno-wizards, for inventing the "hide posts" and "unfollow" options on websites such as Facebook. This function allows me to bitch-slap people without them even realizing I'm bitch-slapping them, and it prevents me from being arrested.

Someone posts something so radically and socially retarded that you shake your head wondering how he or she remembers to wipe (its) own asshole in the morning?  CLICK.  Gone.  Gone faster than the lingering smell of the brain-dump he/she produced.

It works, for real. I don't need a gun, there's no bloodshed, and nobody has to come bail me out of jail in the middle of the day.  Best of all, the dimwit has NO IDEA its posts are being ignored.

If only this could translate into real life, though.  Imagine for a moment that someone says something to you that is so incredibly heinous that all you can do is stand there staring with your mouth completely agape.  Instead of wasting brain cells plotting ways to yank this person's tongue out and hog-tie him with it, there would be some cosmic "unfollow" that would automatically happen with a nod of your Jeannie head or a twitch of your Samantha mouth.

POOF.  Gone.

Now, take it one step further.  Imagine for a moment that we could apply this same strategy to things like work.  Imagine if you could "unfollow" a boss whose long-winded rambling at a meeting is causing you to lose precious post-work social time.  A simple "hide post" flick of an index finger, and BOOM ... Freedom.

Step it up one more notch -- "Unfollow" the political machinations associated with the presidential (or any) election.  How cool would it be if every single medium just suddenly stopped inundating us all with puke-worthy political pablum?  Good lord, our collective blood pressure would drop to normal levels.

While people complain to Facebook and other social media websites about the stickers and icons that we lack, such as The Finger, I'll be thanking them for the "hide post" and "unfollow" options that we do have available.

But really, you techno-geniuses should work on more practical, real-world applications if you honestly want to make a difference in the world.

Now, for more real-world applications, I'm going to laugh my ass all the way to the I-Don't-Give-A-Fuck-About-You place when you unfollow me.  See my caring face?  You can't?  Hmmmm... Hey, techno-geniuses: Next invention!