Tuesday, June 21, 2016


Plants are migrating.

The four plants I keep on my windowsill at school move to my house today.  This isn't the truly amazing part, although it is pretty amazing that the school year is coming to an end.  It's also amazing that the plants survive the trip home, but that's not the good stuff yet, either.

What is most amazing and absolutely mind-blowing is that the plants have survived at all. 

I bought them in the fall when I found them on the "These plants for sale because they're hideous and ready to die" cart at Wal-Mart.  I bought four plants, expecting all of them to die fairly quickly.  I paid about $11 for all of them together, so, at the time, I figured I'd get about $10 worth of life from them.

Funny thing: Only one plant croaked. The other three plants thrived.

Now that the school year is ending, I pack up my plants and bring them home.  I don't have places for them yet, so they're on my kitchen table for the time being, and they need to be re-potted desperately.  I guess that means another trip to Wal-Mart to search for containers.

Who knows?  Maybe I'll mosey over to the garden center and see if any more plants need to be rescued.