Friday, July 10, 2015


(What's that bright, round, glowing object?)
It’s that time of the season again – that time when I pick on the weather forecasters.

I just want to say, “Thank you.”  No, truly.  Thank you for saying storms would develop by noon time and that the afternoon would be full of violent thunderstorms.

I plan my day around your forecast, avoiding the drive to the beach and the money to park.  Instead, I drive to a faraway store to buy a few more kayaking supplies (on sale, so I get the best of this misadventure).  Oh, sure, the sky often looks foreboding, and it almost rains a tiny bit on my way to the sporting goods store, but I see more blue sky than gray sky all day.

When I return from my shopping trip, I drop the bags on the floor, change into workout gear, and take myself for a long, sweaty walk.  I keep an eye on the sky because, well, you know, it’s supposed to be nasty weather this afternoon.

(Blue ... not gray ... sky)
After hauling my ass around town for almost three miles, I’ve had enough.  I amble back into my driveway, and I stretch out across the front stoop, absorbing the magnificent day it turns out to be. 

To think I almost missed it all by planning my activities around the weather report.  Again.  You’d think by now I’d have learned to trust my own weather instincts, but I still fall for the “professional” opinions.

Oh, well.  No harm, no foul.  I pay all the bills, get a great sale on some sports equipment, and manage to spend time outside, all without ever hitting any foul weather.  Thank you, weather forecasters.  No truly.  Thank you.