Monday, July 6, 2015


Finally, I have a true day off.

I haven't had one of these in weeks as I have been trying to get my ass out of the classroom without forgetting anything important -- like packing for the move and closing grades and handing out report cards.  That kind of shit.  School let out late this year (Monday), then there is family and friends stuff (fun, so I'm not complaining) from Tuesday through Saturday.

Finally, with the sun shining and the weather totally cooperating, there is today.

I sleep late (for me) until 8:30 or so.  By 10:00 I am out doing a 3.5 mile walk/jog.  Once I recover from the jaunt, I change into my bathing suit top and shorts and sit outside in the sun for an hour.  I follow this with sangria and reading in the shade for a very long time.

By the time I pack up to come inside for good, I have been outside for over eight hours (and out of sangria for about two). 

Finally.  A true day off, and worth every lazy second of it.