Saturday, July 11, 2015


Ah, here it comes.  It has visited briefly a couple of times already, but, truly: Here it comes, full force, no escape.


I recently had some of my hair chopped off because it no longer responds to methods of straightening nor management.  This means that the remainder of hair I have (still long enough to pull back), is now just as damn wavy and crazy as it wants to be, and, honestly, for the first time in a long time, I'm happy with that.

But ... BUT ... there's the question of my bangs.  To grow out, or not to grow out, this is the question.

With styling gel, a blow dryer set on "hot," a big round brush, and lots of hair spray, I can almost make my bangs behave.  The moment my bangs encounter humidity, though, they get all curly and sometimes stick out of my forehead at ski-slope angles.

I am debating keeping the bangs versus growing them out and letting them just become another facet of my now-wild hair.

To some people, this is a ridiculous dilemma and shouldn't even be on my radar.  For those of you with humidity-sensitive locks, you know exactly what I'm talking about.  Some days, especially humid days, my hair gets so big that I look like Bette Midler's stunt double (from the neck up); I look like Bozo the Clown; I look like a pre-groomed poodle.

I look like Cousin Itt.

I have two goals for this upcoming humid stretch:

1.  Tame my hair to the point that I might finally decide The Great Bangs Debate.

2.  Survive without melting completely into a little puddle of human sweat.