I know, I know. I'll pay for it in the spring when I get ripped off that very same hour. But last night, after a really long week of late nights and sports on television and closing term-end grades, it felt great to sleep like a slug for an extra hour. Really great.
Until the afternoon comes.
I forget that the extra hour of sleep added when the clocks fell back in the middle of the night totally and completely rips me off of an hour on the other end. That's right. Those of you who hate to leave for work in the dark forget that moving the time backs means the sun goes down around 4:35 in the afternoon.
I know, I know. This only lasts about six weeks, and then the sunset slowly, very slowly, starts to push its way back out to a normal hour. I've just begun to accept that summer really and truly is over, and now I have to contend with night while it's still day.
I don't think it would be so bad if I weren't in darkness all day long at work, if I could see the sun for a few minutes every day once I walk inside the building. As much fun and fascination as it is to watch the new gym being built (the floor base was poured last week), the lack of daylight has been brutal. My only saving grace is the sunlight that is left when I get out of work and drive home. Now, though, even that is being ripped from my hands.

I do love that extra hour of sleep, but I will gladly pay it all back in the spring when the sun comes back for a while.