Thursday, November 21, 2013


Wednesday I wake up at 4 a.m. with a headache so bad it could take down a hippopotamus on its own without any ammunition whatsoever. 

I decide to go in to work not so much because I'm a martyr as my school email ate the file with the vice principal's phone number.  At about 11 a.m., I feel well enough to suck down two Tylenol finally.  After work I crawl home and into sweatpants and a sweatshirt by 4 p.m., and by 6 p.m. I am dead-asleep on the couch for ninety minutes.

This all sounds either marvelously wonderful (Yay!  I napped for 90 minutes!) or tragically pathetic (Holy crap!  I wasted 90 minutes on the couch!), but truth be told, this is more how it actually goes:

I throw in a load of laundry.
I sit down at the computer.
I check my email and various other important and unimportant Internet sites.
I doze in front of the computer.
I toss the wet laundry into the dryer.
I get comfy on the couch and turn on the television.
The phone rings.
I have unplugged the living room phone and run to the next room to answer it.
"Hello, this is the vehicle warranty office..."
I hang up the phone while the girl is still talking.
I return to the couch.
I shut the television off at about 6:05 p.m. when I realize there's nothing on worth watching.
Next thing I know, it's about 7 p.m.
Then the very next thing I know, it's about 7:40 p.m.
I sit up in the dark and wonder where I am.  I am still in my living room, which is good.
I wonder what day/night it is.  It seems to still be Wednesday, which is very good.
I wonder if I have a fever.  I don't.  Yet.  This is very, very good.
I wonder what I should put into my just-woke-up-from-a-long-nap stomach.
I wonder if a cold beer would be okay.  I decide it probably wouldn't be.
I search for food in the cabinets.
I really wish having a beer straight out of a long nap would be considered acceptable.
I start eating Ritz crackers and New York extra sharp cheddar cheese.
I sit down at the computer and start typing up this blog entry.
I really, really want a cold beer.
I start wondering if I am just tired or if I might be catching the flu.
Maybe I shouldn't be eating cheese.
What the hell.  If I do puke, it'll smell like cheese, anyway.
I reset the laundry (that has been sitting in the dryer) to a low setting and turn it back on for fifteen minutes.
I am still debating the merits of drinking a cold beer straight out of a deep-sleep nap.
I feel some coughing coming on and hope it's not the precursor to the flu.
I sit in front of the electric heater because I am still chilly.
I wonder if I am warm from a fever or because I am sitting directly in front of the electric heater.
I decide to get the laundry from the dryer because it really needs to be folded.
I continue to debate the sanity of drinking a beer on a relatively empty, just-awakened stomach.
I start wrapping up this blog entry.
I remember my teammate at work gave me the magic phone number if I need it.
I check and make sure I have the vice principal's (magic) phone number in my cell, just in case.

I suddenly realize that if I don't shut off the electric heater, I am going to set my left sweatpant leg on fire, and that would require some inventive explaining to my landlord and to the fire department.

I also realize that I don't have that freakishly awful, monstrously painful, sinisterly howling headache anymore.

Bring it on, Thursday.  I think I just might be ready.