Sure, it doesn't officially start until December 21st, but today's weather is wild enough to qualify. The wind is gusting fiercely, knocking power out to different areas, and the wind chill is down in the teens and falling.

It looked for a while like snow for Wednesday, but the wind will abate and the temperatures will climb back into the 40's, so we'll probably just have cold rain that chills the bones. Thursday is supposed to be seasonably pleasant, as well. I don't go to the Thanksgiving football games at the high school anymore, so the weather can do whatever the weather wants to do. I used to go when the kids were little, but now I stay in and cook. Okay, I stay in and have tea that eventually morphs into wine as the day progresses. Yup, something's getting cooked on Thursday, and it will probably be both the turkey and me.
I wouldn't mind a little snow, though. A little. But you can keep the wind. I don't sleep well with the noise, and now I have the extra worry of an errant pumpkin flying through the air, ready to attack whatever happens to get in its way, like some mutant killer vegetable roaming the neighborhood unchecked.
Winter may not start until December, but it's Frozen Flying Gourd Season, so take cover and wear the proper protective clothing. And wear gloves. If you catch the thing, you want to be able to toss it back into play without getting frostbite. I'm just saying.