Saturday, November 30, 2013


Uh-oh.  I feel a cold coming on.

I get cluster headaches.  These supposedly are the rarest of all headaches, but still there are tons of us who suffer with them.  These are the kinds of headaches that wake me right out of a sound sleep and last for days, leaving residual low-grade headaches for weeks so that I always know there's one right below the surface just waiting to totally wig out on me.  I had such headaches last week.

Then the nose started to run.  Initially I blamed it all on the weather, but I started sneezing uncontrollably three days ago, and then came the scratchy throat.  I am whipping through my tea supply:  regular tea, black tea, orange pekoe tea, Earl Gray tea, English breakfast tea...

Listen up, Self:  I don't have time to be sick.  You got that?

I have things to do, places to go, papers to write, books to read.  I have a project to present at school in two weeks and papers to file to start my thesis.  I still feel the remainders of the headaches just waiting under the surface, and this tension isn't helping.  I'm smack in the middle of the holiday season, and I simply do not have the time nor the patience for germs and bacteria.

So, Cold or Flu or whatever the hell you pretend you are, you may leave me alone.  No, really.  How many bouts of pneumonia am I supposed to endure?  How many nights of sleep and days of work are you going to screw with this time?

I just want to warn you, Cold -- I have some leftover antibiotics (do not ask from whence they came) on the shelf, and I am NOT afraid to swallow them (with water, of course).  I will fight you tooth and nail and nasal passage.

No one tells me what to do and when to do it, and I will ... I will ... uh-oh.  I feel a nap coming on.  Okay, Cold, listen up: When I'm done napping, we are so going to have this out.  You hear me?  Can .... you ... zzzzzzzz

Happy Saturday, Kids.