Monday, December 10, 2012


I am now officially on Christmas Movie Overload.

I am not talking about the movies that came through the theater and are shown repetitively; I'm referring to the made-for-TV movies that have taken over the Lifetime and Hallmark cable channels.  Some of these movies are fair, and a few are even pretty good.  Some of them are hideously awful. 

Yet -- I watch the bloody things.  Okay, not actually watch in the true sense of the verb.  Mostly I have the TV on as background noise in one room while I work in another room.  But I have seen some all the way through and most others in snippets to get the main idea of each.  There are no less than six movies based on A Christmas Carol (that includes person falls, smacks head, wakes up in alternate universe how their life would be if only…), the same amount of movies about being a pretend spouse/fiancĂ©, and there are numerous ones about some member of the Claus family going rogue.  There are also the ones that are not really kid-centered but are littered with elves and reindeer.

Of course, my all-time favorite remains Jean Shepherd's A Christmas Story, which is based on an excerpt from a short story in his compilation In God We Trust, All Others Pay Cash.  If you ever get a chance to actually read the original in print, you'll discover it's deliciously more sinister and snarky than the toned-down kiddies' version.  (I also like that Shepherd made cameos in all his movies.)

There is one holiday movie that has haunted me for years, however.  I saw it quite accidentally, and it has been touted as one of the worst three movies of all time.  It should  surprise no one that I have seen all three of the worst movies of all time that made the original list I stumbled across years ago:  #1 = Billy the Kid vs. Dracula  (seen it, yes I have); #2 = Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (for some reason I only recall the pool scene, and I remember laughing my ass off over it); and (drum roll, please) #3 = Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.

Yes, indeed, I have witnessed the horror that is the Christmas movie from Outer Space.  There are only two reasons to ever watch this movie, and I would recommend you try this only using clips from YouTube lest you want your eyeballs to bleed out, and these reasons are a young Pia Zadora stars in it, and one Martian look suspiciously like Frank Zappa.  To make matters worse and embarrass myself even further, I didn't stumble across this movie on the ScyFy channel nor through the honorable and noteworthy Mystery Science Theater 3000 (mst3k, to connoisseurs), on which Santa Claus Conquers the Martians was featured. 

I saw it in the theater a couple of years after it was originally released.  Yup, this means that good money was paid for me to witness this horror, but it also means that this movie had been to theaters every Christmas for four years before I had a chance to revel in its glory.

I'll be honest with you - It wasn't my fault.  Cindy Carr's parents offered to take us to the store. Turns out they wanted to go Christmas shopping themselves and dumped Cindy and me at the theater with enough popcorn and candy and soda to stuff the Trojan Horse.  I can remember the theater, the red burlap seats, and I can even remember my coat draped over the back of the chair and dangling into the row behind us.  It was okay since I seem to recall we were two of probably twelve people in the theater watching this ridiculous movie.  The fact that other people were there makes me wonder just how many losers like us were out there in the world.

Decades later with the installation of cable that brings hundreds of crazy-ass channels into our homes, it is impossible to avoid running into a Christmas movie at any given moment during the month of December.  Turn on the telly at 5 a.m. looking for news, and you'll run across Dolly Parton and Lee Majors in a movie I've yet to figure out, but I think she is trying to breastfeed the world.  Flick around looking for some campy CSI Miami re-run, and you'll probably find Tim Allen flaunting his bulbous Santa stomach on a treadmill.  Think you'll enjoy some late night humor?  Guess again as Joey Lawrence pretends to be Jewish.

Nothing, though, nothing you could watch or stomach or even imagine can ever be as horrifying as Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.  It may be two movies behind Billy the Kid vs. Dracula on the all-time worst list, but I'm not certain that's fair.  I think it was worse than Attack of the Killer Tomatoes, which was supposed to be a comedy in its own way.  Santa Claus Conquers the Martians takes itself all too seriously and makes Plan 9 From Outer Space look like an Oscar contender.

Folks, when choosing your holiday movies this year, choose wisely and sparingly unless you want to end up like me -- bleary-eyed, overloaded on Christmas cheeriness, mouthing the wrong words to carols, and cringing every time someone sings, "It's the most wonderful tiiiiiiiiime of the year" because you think the Henry Winkler movie is coming on again.  And whatever you do, do NOT go to Youtube (like I know you already did) and watch clips from Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (like I know you're going to as soon as you're done reading this because you cannot believe that a Martian could truly look like Frank Zappa without actually being Frank Zappa).

Happy Holidays, kiddies.  Film at 11… and 12 … and 1 … and 2 ….