Friday, November 2, 2018


Oh. boy.  Here it comes.  Waistlines from Hell.

It starts with Halloween, when I buy candy and no one shows up at my door.  Then, it morphs into Thanksgiving, when I eat everything in sight because it's cold outside and my stomach craves the warmth and comfort of good, old-fashioned New England food.  Lastly, it becomes Christmas, when eating sugar is practically a competitive sport with both individual and team categories.

Why do I buy candy for Halloween when I know that no one is coming?  Why ... why ... WHY?!  This clearly is the catalyst to all this holiday disaster.

I'm sorry, stomach.  I'm sorry, butt cheeks.  I'm sorry, waistline.  I'm sorry, bathroom scale.  I'm sorry, pants that don't fit anymore.  I'm sorry that I'm not sorry for eating so much.

Okay, January and diets and exercise are a mere eight weeks away, but until then... I'll start with Halloween candy (not ALL of it) and work my way onward.  I'm nothing if not a diligent trooper.  If I know me, I'll get by just fine.

P.S. Send me some new clothes.  I'm going to need a size or two up, if you don't mind.