Saturday, November 10, 2018


I have discovered the World's Greatest Song. 

Okay, perhaps not the greatest all the time -- I have remarkably diverse taste in music, and on any given day my favorite song could be rock, rap, country, jazz, New Wave, classical, flamenco ... There are days when the theme song from SpongeBob Squarepants is stuck in my brain, or when I find myself humming Tubular Bells (theme song from The Exorcist) during bus arrival time at school.

However, when this song comes onto the satellite station, I know instantly that it is Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner.  I turn the volume up to ear-splitting levels.  The car is rocking out so fully that the sounds from the speakers collide with each other, causing a ripple-effect of energy that leaks outside of my car, scaring the early-morning dog-walkers and waking anyone who has their home or car windows ajar.

The winning song of the day (the week, the month, the year ...) is Peter Gunn

Peter Gunn is a theme song from a 1959 television show of the same name, and the theme song was composed by Henry Mancini. It is probably the greatest riff of all time, and it has been recorded and re-recorded dozens of times.  You know the song even if you don't know the title.

Today's version of Peter Gunn is a remix of the Duane Eddy version and done by a New Wave band The Art of Noise. Honestly, though, it doesn't matter who performs the song; it's a kick-ass song in any format as long as the main riff stays the same.

Anyway, give it a listen if you like, or you can wait until it comes around again on the radio.  Maybe I'll be driving by your house and you can hear it by osmosis as the sound waves penetrate the walls.  It certainly perks up my day and, in my opinion, is the World's Greatest Song (for this morning, anyway).