Friday, November 23, 2018


I attend Thanksgiving at my sister's house.  It's a beautiful day (bitter cold outside, though), the food is amazing, and the company is fabulous.  Clean-up seems to take forever, which means that we are blessed with lots of food and goodies and company; every time I clear the sink, someone plops another baking or serving dish into it.  

All goes very well until one of the two dogs in attendance decides to hop up to counter-height and steal a turkey bone.  Turkey bones are dangerous because they can splinter.  This particular dog is a bit of a big galoompha, so retrieving the bones is a lesson in human-vs.-canine control.  One of my nieces decides she will rescue the dog from choking itself, but she is afraid the dog might nip at her, so she puts on an oven mitt, which isn't much protection, but she does manage to wrestle the bone away.  Apparently, we should've left the pups in Doggie Jail a little longer while we started drifting into food-gorged complacency.

Other than that and one little guy taking a tumble or two while playing tag, it is a highly successful and stress-free day.  Everyone looks happy but bone-tired at the end of the day, and I realize as soon as I arrive home from a relatively short commute (about eighty minutes) that I have seriously hit the wall and am starting to fade into a food-induced coma.

I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving with friends, family, and food.  And now ... onward to the next holiday gathering!