Wednesday, November 28, 2018


In an extension of the Christmas Spirit, I am semi-watching Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer on television.  I don't know why they show these specials so damn early.  It's not even December yet. Oh, sure, I've got my tree up, and I'm already steadfastly listening to Christmas music, but this ... this onslaught of television specials... it's too early. 

(I suppose this is where I should admit I've been watching Hallmark Christmas movies since July --Don't judge me!  I'm trying to be merry and cheerful, goddamnitall.)

I'm doing school work, laundry, dishes, and a bunch of other stuff, so my attention really is divided, but I am paying haphazard attention to the show.  Right now all the other reindeer are making fun of Rudolph, and I am reminded (as I am every time I watch this) that Santa does not stop the bullying.  At times he even partakes.  I have always found this deeply disturbing.

I'm just waiting for Yukon Cornelius.  He's my favorite and always has been and always will be, though I don't really know why.  Maybe it's when he licks the pick-axe and spits out the disgusted and disappointed "Nothing!" then continues about his business no worse for the wear.  That's resiliency!

Sorry -- my English training sometimes teases me into deconstructing things rather than just watching them and enjoying them.  I promise not to deconstruct Santa Claus Is Coming to Town, even though the young Santa gives little girls candy for sitting on his lap.  I guess that's another disturbing blog for another disturbing day.

After all, I'm just a misfit and bumbles bounce -- Wahhhooooo!  That's pretty much all I really need to know to get through the rest of the show.