Thursday, May 12, 2016


So, here's a true story.

I update to faster internet service, then almost instantly not one but both of my computers die.  I am left with a laptop that gets online but doesn't have Office, so I cannot do any work.  What a shame that I can't do work at home.  Boohoo.  (Bwaaaahaaaaaaa!)

The guy on the phone (somewhere in Pakistan) who sells me this higher speed internet package quotes me a special price -- $30 less a month than I'm paying now.  Woohoo!  New bill arrives two weeks later.  It's $60 MORE than I've been paying.

I call the cable company.  Three times I tell the automated system I have a problem with my bill.  Three times I get disconnected.  So, I call a fourth time and say I want to purchase NEW products!  Internet!  Phone!  Television!  You name it; I will BUY IT!

I instantly get connected to a service person.  Hahahahahaha!  She begrudgingly gets my bill fixed and claims it will be all set in about a week.  We exchange pleasantries and I hang up.

Moments later, my internet disappears.  DISAPPEARS.  It's like it never even existed.  Even my phone says it's gone.

I call back on my cell phone and get connected with service to fix the technical problem (back to Pakistan I go).  It gets fixed almost instantly when I mention, "I was JUST talking to your company about being OVER BILLED..."

Go ahead, cable company.  I DARE you to call me for a customer service satisfaction survey.  I'll sit right by the disconnected-from-cable phone waiting for you to reach out and touch my mad-as-hell self.
