Wednesday, October 3, 2012


I have a complaint. 

It's kind of the same complaint as the recent one about the receptionist at the doctor's office but now we're on to step #2.  So, I went for a bunch of tests, and I need to go see a specialist.  Nothing major.  Nothing Mother Nature doesn't smack most women my age with, so it's really just a matter of making a phone call.  But I figured if my doctor's office made the phone call, I would get faster service.  After all, they offered; all I did was accept.

Yeah, that was Friday.  And I'm still waiting.  I mean, I'm not dying, but I'm dealing with something that probably needs a patch sooner rather than later, so the sooner the better, I would say.  I got tired of waiting for nothing, so I called the doctor's office today and left a sweet message - no, it really was sweet because sometimes I really can be ... okay, shut up and stop laughing.  Really.  It's not that far out of the realm of possibility that I might actually be patient and polite with someone.  I swear to frick I can HEAR you people laughing and pointing at me through the computer screen.

Okay, okay, so I was polite but I actually was really pissed.  I am really pissed still. I mean, who gives someone a diagnosis (that took four days, I might add - was the radiologist in Tahiti with my health care deductible?) and says, "You need to see a specialist right away," then leaves you hanging?  Honestly, who DOES that?  I have plans - places to go, people to see, bones to pick, and asses to kick.  I don't have time to sit next to the phone.

Flippin' frack.  It's like being a teenager and waiting for a friend to call.  (I would say "waiting for a prom date," but my clan and I all chose to go to dinner and a great rock and roll documentary in Brookline instead, and that totally ruled until the food poisoning from the clam chowder kicked in.)

And now it's way past office hours, and here we go yet again.  So folks, if I should die from complications of being a middle-aged woman, I want you all to present this as evidence that I tried, I really tried ... but no one took my calls.  Bastards.... she says sweetly.