Saturday, October 6, 2012


Here's how my all-day meeting ended.  Swear it's all true.  Word for word.  Mostly.

PERSON:  (perkily - is that even a word?)  So, everyone should sign up for the free course that's being offered.

ME:  I don't need it.  I already did most of the work, and I don't have time.

PERSON:  (enthusiastically)  But … you'll get credits for the course!

ME:  I don't need the credits.  I've already maxed out on credits.  (Grins broadly.)  I have enough credits to last the rest of my career.

PERSON:  But … you'll have to do the work, anyway.

ME:  (shaking head)  No, I won't.  I already did the work.  Last year.  Remember?  When we all took the same course.  Last.  Year.

PERSON:  But … we're going to make you do the work, so don't you want the credits?

ME:  Who's going to make me do the work?  If I don't take the course, I don't do the work.  And I already told you, I don't need the credits.

PERSON:  (clearly confused)  But … you HAVE to take the course.

ME:  It's voluntary.  I don't volunteer.  You sign up if you want to, though.  (Starts packing stuff up.)

PERSON:  But … but … you HAVE to.

ME:  Look, what part of voluntary is unclear here?

PERSON:  (sneering) We'll make you do the work, anyway.  It has to be done outside of the building.

ME:  I already work outside of the building.  I don't need the credits, I don't have the time, and I already did the work, for which I got credits LAST year.  Remember?  When we already DID this project.  I'm not doing it again.

PERSON:  (sputtering) But … but …. but … but ...

ME:  (smiling sweetly) I'm not signing up for the course.

PERSON:  (with fire shooting out of nostrils)  YOU HAVE TO!.

ME:  (using distracting ploy)  Hey, look at the monkey outside!

PERSON:  (clueless)  Monkey?!

ME:  (shrugging)  This is what talking to a politician must be like.

PERSON:  Even monkeys never refuse.  (hissing)  You can't refuse.

ME:  I know, I know.  The universe will collapse.  Then YOU won't get any credits, either.

PERSON:  But it's … (Starts twitching, one eye rolling to the left and the other to the right simultaneously.)

ME:  Voluntary.  Yes, I totally understand.  I am an English major, after all.  (Snapping fingers, pointing, and looking wistful.)  Hey, so are you.  Do you understand what "voluntary enrollment" means? 

PERSON:  (stamping both feet)  I will MAKE you do the project!  I will FORCE you to comply.

ME:  (shaking head with sympathy)  Oh, pumpkin, greater minds than yours have tried to turn me.  Ever hear of Darth Vadar?

PERSON:  You cannot refuse!  I refuse to allow you to refuse!  (screeching)  YOU MUST COMPLY!

ME:  Voldemort?  Obama?  David Blaine?  The Michelin Man?  All have tried; None has succeeded.

PERSON:  You… you're … you're wrecking the whole universe!  (Hiding under desk) Black holes!  BLACK HOLES!

ME:  Honey, you're gonna bust a blood vessel.

PERSON:  (throwing paperwork in last ditch attempt)  Look, look here!  See all this data?  What can you make out of this?

JOHNNY:  Why, I can make a hat, or a brooch, or a pterodactyl!

ME:  Sign-up is voluntary.  You cannot force me to do the work, especially since I already did it.  I don't need the credits.  I don't have the time.  Quite frankly, I simply do not want to do it.  I also don't want to eat lima beans nor drink kerosene nor poke my eyes out with a dull fork.  You gonna make me do that, too? 

PERSON:  (in a huge puff of green smoke)  AAAAAARGGGGH!  I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!

JOHNNY:  Auntie Em!  Auntie Em!  It's a twister, it's a twister!

ME:  Hey, it's 2:30.  Meeting's over.  Time to go!

PERSON:   (straightening out skirt, composing self, and forcing a fake smirk)  Just one last item on our agenda.  So, everyone should sign up for the free course that's being offered.

(Sounds of multiple palm-to-head smacking.)

This is almost accurate.  When my senses finally returned, I noticed some blood and brain matter on the cement blocks and a large gash on my forehead. I suspect I may have tried to bang my head against the wall, but really, why should today be any different than any other day.  Anyone have an aspirin and a tourniquet?