Wednesday, August 10, 2016


What a choice: a a criminal, a buffoon, or a pot executive.  Yet, we wonder why the rest of the world thinks we've gone mad.

The entire government is corrupt, from the executive to the congressional to the judicial branches, and it leaks all the way down to communities' municipal government.  Disgusting.  Greed, greed, and more greed.

I don't know about you, but I bring home roughly 64% of my paycheck.  64%, and this is before April 15th.  Last year I got back a whopping $100.  Seriously.  36% of my pay + $100, gone with the wind.  I have the world's most generous landlords, but I simply cannot afford to live here much longer.  I'm going to end up living in my car in a Wal-Mart parking lot.  I can't contribute to the economy; I can barely feed myself.

Educational and parental loans for me and for my kids?  I will never pay them off.  Never.  Any insurance money my kids might be getting when I die, which at this rate will be sooner than later, will go to paying off those loans.  Ridiculous.  Those payments are roughly 25% of my take-home pay, and they will almost double by the time I get toward the end of  it, which will never happen because I'll be dead.

The Republicans are in a feeding frenzy.  The Democrats claim to support all people but commit heinous violence against anyone who dares to think differently.  People feel they have the right and free reign to beat the shit out of or shoot anyone who disagrees with them.  Crazy thing is they're getting away with it.

I hate both major platforms.  It's as if everyone is fucking insane.

I wish we could start all over again.  Government is a humongous monster that is eating up its young.  I am starting to understand why people drop out of sight and go live on the fringe of society -- It's safer there, makes more sense.  Even that's illegal now.  When you cannot collect rainwater on your own property or freely convert to solar energy or refuse to help others who blatantly refuse to help themselves (and cheat the system while they do it), well, folks, that's just damn crazy shit.

For the first time in my adult life, I am seriously considering not voting at all.  Oh, don't hand me that bullshit that if I don't vote, I'm part of the problem.  The election is rigged.  Don't tell me it isn't; I lived in some seedy cities; I've seen election corruption in action.  When I have to present ID to buy goddamned cold medicine but not to vote, the whole fucking world has gone mad.

So keep spouting stupid lies and keep beating each other up and keep burning our flag and keep having violent rallies and keep bad-mouthing the Constitution of my country because no matter who gets in come November, my country is gone.  Decorum is gone.  Decency is gone.  Sanity is gone. 

What a choice, a lottery of ass-hats.  It's like having metaphorical guns to our heads.  Just make sure it's quick and painless.  This slow spiral into the toilet is almost more than I can bear to watch.