Sunday, June 1, 2014


Sadness is
Discovering what you thought was
The Last Brownie
Is really the brownie you ate
Ten minutes earlier.
That glass of milk
Means nothing now;
It might as well go back
To the cow from where it came
(Or the Fake Dairy of Mass Production).
There is no joy in Brownie Land,
The Mighty Brownie has struck out.
Yet you stare into the container,
Discontented with the reality that
All of the brownies are gone.
How can they be?
Where did they go?
Why did they go?
Who ate them ...
Knowing full-well it was you,
Who ate the brownies,
Who left the empty glass baking dish,
Who is now holding the glass of
Ice-cold milk that
Means nothing now
Because ten minutes earlier
Ate the brownie,
The Last Brownie,
Discovering what truly
Is sadness.