Tuesday, June 24, 2014


As promised, I arrive at school today with chalk for my absolutely glass-like chalkboards.  Turns out these beautiful, brand-new surfaces were covered over with white boards because the cherubs have chalk allergies.

Chalk ... allergies.

Now we cannot have school supplies because someone has chalk allergies.  What next? Ink allergies?  Paper allergies?  Math allergies?  Homework allergies?  Thinking allergies?

I did not ask my students if they are allergic to chalk.  I don't care.  No one ever in the history of my entire school career has ever had a chalk allergy nor has anyone whom I know ever died from being near a chalkboard (unless it fell on his head, in which case he could and might be dead and then the chalk dust would be the least of his problems). 

The crates have all been packed for the move, and I have one drawer with a few bags of supplies in it that will take me less than two minutes to stuff into a file drawer.  So today, while the kiddos are playing a survival game and signing their names to my plywood prison walls, I decorate my two chalkboards.  One board is about 4'x3' and one board is about 4'x8'.  They are both clean (I washed them Saturday) and absolutely smooth as beach stones.

Two and a half hours later, I am done.  I could keep adding to the masterpieces, but I am afraid that more may not be better.  I am pleased when later the vice principal stops by and I show him what I have done.

"See?  I told you all I needed was some chalk!" 

He smiles, but I know in his brain he is wondering what the hell is wrong with me.  I mean, truly.  I am way too excited about these chalkboards, and we both know it. 

Anyway, I am not erasing my work.  I am going to let it go down with the building.  Be at peace, my wonderful masterpiece.  Be at one with the school.  Godspeed, blackboard.; May the chalk be with you.