Thursday, June 12, 2014


I realize this morning that my coupon for Kohl's is expiring today.  I'm not a super-savvy shopper.  As a matter of fact, I would rather poke out my eyeballs with dull plastic forks than go clothes shopping.  It's just not my thing.  But, as I mentioned on yesterday's blog, the boy now needs business casual menswear for his job, and he's working a double today -- eight hours at the temp accounting job, and several hours with a lacrosse program.

So I do what any GREAT and WONDERFUL and FANTABULOUS mom would do:  I go shopping for my kid.

I know what size he is, but I'm not sure what he likes.  I also know some brands are better than others, but really -- this is a temporary assignment.  How long do these clothes have to last?  I decide to invest in some khakis and some polo shirts.  He can always use the polos for golf, which he pretends to do and is about as good as Gerald Ford when he gets to it.  I also know he's kinda picky about his clothes, so chances are we'll be returning the stuff...

But ... WAIT!

I get to the register with an expensive amount of clothes.  Okay, Kohls marks shit up like crazy.  No way am I paying $56 for pants at Kohls, so it's like getting a deal when they charge me $34.99, which is still probably more than they should be charging.

But .... WAIT!

There are some pants for $21.99.  Oh boy!  Of course they don't have the size I need to buy in any decent shades, right?  I manage to find two pairs of the "truly on sale pants" at $21.99, then head over to the "pretend on sale pants" for $34.99.  I get two pairs of those, too.  Now he will have light brown and dark brown khakis and light gray and dark gray pants to go with the stuff he already has -- dress black slacks and dress navy slacks.

I get three solid-colored polos for him -- green, teal, and a brick red -- along with two striped polos.  Of course I get the shirts that are on sale, not the ones that are on make-believe sale.  I'm thinking this whole shopping trip should cost me somewhere around $175 with the sale prices.  I have a 30% off coupon, but that's just for regular price stuff, right?

But ... WAIT!

The cashier rings in the 30% coupon on everything!  I am so pumped.  I pull out the Kohl's bucks from the other shopping trip and get another $20 off.  Before I know it, I've paid $110 for four pair of men's pants and five polo shirts.

I've gotta be honest here, kids.  I may not be a shopper, and shopping may be worse than passing a kidney stone, but this ... this is fucking exciting.  I'll admit it: I am damn pleased with myself when I leave that store.

Now, if only the kid is pleased with the clothing when he finally gets home from his two jobs.  That will be the real test of whether or not this shopping trip has been a total score.  His reaction will be the litmus test as to whether or not I truly am a GREAT and WONDERFUL and FANTABULOUS mom.