Tuesday, January 28, 2014



A super-overly dramatic short play In one act

 (Lights come up.  We see a classroom full of students at tables and one teacher, who is handing out homework papers to each group.)

Student:  So... no school tomorrow.

(Teacher ignores the comment.  Teacher finishes with papers then moves to the computer and brings up the Internet.)

Student:  Yeah, we're supposed to get like a foot of snow.

(Other students get overly excited about this information.  They all start planning how they will spend their hypothetical snow day.)

Teacher:  (peering at computer screen)  Well, you're partially right.  Snow showers this afternoon.  Who knows?  (Teacher gestures toward class windows that face a giant cinder-block wall of new school construction project.)  It could be doing anything out there.  We could be under attack by aliens and we'd never know.  

Student:  But it's going to snow!

Teacher:  Look, there's a slight chance of rain and snow showers today.  Nothing more.  Relax.  There will be school tomorrow.  (Studies computer monitor.)  Look, (Reading from screen)  Tuesday, zero percent chance.  Wednesday, zero percent chance.  Thursday -- Zero percent chance of snow.

Student:  That's not fair! 

Teacher:  (excitedly)  Wait!  Wait a minute!  Here it is, here it is.  SNOW.  I see snow in the forecast!

(Students cheer and sing songs about how great the teacher is and how wonderful a snow day will be.)

Student:  A snow day?  When?  When will it snow?  Whenwhenwhenwhenwhenwhenwhen?

Teacher:  (getting face close to computer monitor for dramatic effect) It's going to snow .... it's going to snow on ... on ....  FRIDAY NIGHT!  Yay!  No school Saturday, right?

(Fellow students are crestfallen.  Life as they know it has ended.)

Student:  You do understand that we all hate you, right?

(Lights dim as curtain falls.  End of scene one.)