Thursday, May 31, 2018


I don't have the air conditioners in the windows yet. 

I know, I know -- I should, and usually I do by now, but I've been too busy to haul the units up from the basement.  I will, though.  It's getting too hot and humid for my sleeping comfort.

In the meantime, I am keeping cool with fans and keeping windows closed during the hottest part of the day.  I'm also using a visual trick, and I'm not going to lie; it's kind of working for me.

I have a Christmas decoration that's only a holiday theme if I look at it really closely.  Otherwise, it disguises itself as an ordinary work of art.  It's an empty wine bottle stuffed with lights, topped off by a lovely bow and some other cool decorative baubles.  If I shut off the lights in the living room and plug in the wine bottle lights, it reminds me of winter.  Winter is cool, and so am I by imaginative osmosis.

It's not quite as effective as having the air conditioners in the windows, but it's an interesting experiment in mind-over-melting.  So far, it seems to be working.