Friday, December 5, 2014


Today I want to give kudos to two people who’ve had to put up with a lot of bullshit over the past twelve months – my two Thesis Buddies.

When we started this odyssey three or so years ago, we never realized we’d end up kindred spirits who survived on sheer exhaustion, a few legal drugs, and lots of alcohol.  For me the exhaustion was nothing new.  I earned my undergrad and first graduate degrees while operating on fumes and an average of four hours of sleep per night – six hours would be a luxury.  I ate bottles full of ibuprofen and acetaminophen, settled my cracked-up digestive system with periodic doses of loperamide, and battled pneumonia more times than there have been Crusades. 

What I found in my Thesis Buddies were (and still are) kindred spirits.  I found another person in the program who understands that when we write bad poetry we often receive good grades, and when we write good poetry we often receive vile criticism and ridicule.  I found someone who makes better shadow boxes than Martha Stewart could ever dream of creating. 

I found people who were (and still are) willing to be seen in public with me while they type methodically on their laptops and I write old-school longhand in wide-ruled notebooks like some kind of an anachronism.  It’s almost hilarious.  We all have computer bags, but mine is stuffed with notebooks, reading books, and a pencil case of various writing implements (and always stocked with a hand-powered pencil sharpener).

We handed in our thesis drafts, some with great ease and others (wink wink) to near-incompetence.  But – we finished.  As of this week, the final thesis has been submitted.  Two of us finished in May, and the final Thesis Buddy is officially beyond the Lunatic Fringe.

Bottoms up to us – we survived another round of grad school, all three of us, signed and sealed and delivered.  The last one may have been a bit of a straggler, but her topic is momentous and so is her final product. 

Kudos – and may the Thesis Gods accept the last of the three theses as quietly as they accepted the first two.  Not sure any of us could handle a set-back when we are so close to closing this chapter and finally moving on.  Not sure the pharmacy will have enough OTC drugs nor will the liquor stores have enough wine if that happens, either.

Here’s to the Thesis Three.  May any and all gods have mercy on our overly-edited souls.