Tuesday, December 9, 2014


(I stole this from the Internet.)
My friends and I are debating sending cards out this year.  I bought them, just in case (on sale).  I know if I don't send them, I can hand them out to coworkers, spreading cheer and saving a few postage stamps in the meantime, so it is money well spent. 

I know that there are a few people in my circle, though, who've had an extremely tough year.  They may not send out cards, but I'd like for them to receive a card from me.  It has meaning to me.  I don't care if I get one back.  Spreading Christmas greetings isn't about reciprocity -- it's about the personal sentiment and the joy of giving. 

My friends and I share a common brain, especially my cyber buddies.  My blog pals are the ones who get my jokes and will dive in with fangs bared to defend my honor, even when I am dead-to-rights wrong, as I will for them, as well.  I do not tell them nearly often enough how deeply and sincerely I love them, including my Jericho cohorts (especially during the infamous Senor Ed fiasco) and my ex-Conversation Nation compatriots (even after we crashed and burned the site at WBZ-TV ... sorry I'm not sorry, Kord). 

If you get a card from me, it just means I didn't run out of steam yet.  If you don't get a card from me, I certainly hope my cyber-sentiments are met with the authenticity with which they are bestowed.  Honestly, I haven't written a single card ... yet.  I hope to ... I might .... I might not.

In the meantime, merry almost-Christmas and happy almost-Hanukkah from me to you and yours.  I do love you all, even if I don't say it often enough.  (And yes, I am sober.)