Friday, October 17, 2014


I keep getting myself tagged in these multiple Internet games that are going around.  While I enjoy a good game of tag, I often find myself flummoxed about how best to play.  I suck at games, and there were many a time where I ended up abandoned on the Tag field by people who either didn’t want to play anymore, or people who simply didn’t want to play with ME anymore.

Recently I was tagged in a couple of games.  One game supported breast cancer research, for which I posted a picture of myself from a recent breast cancer research fundraiser/mud run.  The other tag involves trying to plaster positive images, namely flowers, on our walls. 

I have to admit – Both are great ideas and serve as a welcome change.  Seriously.

Every day I have to hit the “I don’t want to see this” post at least once.  While I admire the plights of beaten animals and beaten humans and stupid politicians, I don’t care to see every single one of those images when I scour my newsfeed.

It’s not that I don’t care.  It’s more basic than that: I cannot stomach some of these images. 

Unlike some members of my family (daughter, late husband), I do not have the indelicate constitution to look at gross things.  I had to leave the emergency rooms the several times both of my sons have gotten stitches.  I love my kids, but I cannot do it.  I’ll puke; I’ll pass out; I’ll have a stroke.

So, folks, here is my positive image of the day.  My flower assignment is the geranium.  Naturally, I do what any ex-almost-professional journalist would do:  Research.  Here’s what I discover.

In Victorian times, geraniums symbolized stupidity or folly.  They also symbolize elegance and a peaceful mind.  Sometimes, depending on the geranium’s shape or color, it can mean good favor or an unexpected meeting.

But the best one, the oak leaf geranium?  That one means true friendship.

I’d like to think this flower hits all corners for me.  I loathe stupidity and use it for my own folly in the blog often times.  I can feign elegance pretty well, and I can appreciate a peaceful mind, though I’ve yet to embrace that one for myself.  As for unexpected meetings?  I live for those.  My blog thrives on those.

Yup.  Geranium it is.  Good call, friend-who-tagged-me; excellent choice.  Here’s to making the Internet (and my blog) more colorful and more positive!  (And, really, people, leave the severed and dismembered elephant heads at least until after breakfast.  My delicate stomach thanks you.)