Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Took a nice long walk today.  Okay, so it was only about 2.5+ miles and not the 5k for which I was hoping.  Still, though.  Warm enough to walk with knee-length yoga pants and a light long-sleeved shirt.  Perfect weather for this late in October.

Of course, we are rumored to be getting flurries this weekend, but for now … ssssshhhhhh.

The problem remains with my Achilles tendons, however.  Around mile 1.75 I thought my calves might explode.  Okay, okay.  Admittedly I am not really doing the PT I promised.  I’m not icing and all that.  I’m not ingesting large quantities of ibuprofen.  I stretch and flex when I remember, especially before attempting to wobble down the stairs in the middle of the night.

But, seriously.  I’m an impatient patient.  How damn long does this take, anyway?

No matter.  I signed up for a 5k in November.  Late in November.  I hope I don’t freeze on the course.  I won’t be in full jogging mode at this rate, but I should be able to finish in decent time, as long as I don’t get caught in a pack.  I do have to find a way to change settings on MapMyWalk.  I kind of wish the computerized voice would chime in every quarter or half mile instead of telling me that I have walked 1.03 miles at a pace of so many minutes.  It’s too long a wait for that mile’s worth of validation.  I need validation every few yards.

Tuesday is supposed to be nice, maybe even 70 degrees.  Stinks.  I have a meeting after school.  I guess my exercise and airing out will have to be the sum total of driving eight miles home with the windows open.  Maybe I can flex and stretch my Achilles tendons while I’m driving.  Maybe I should try that going TO work, as well, since I usually waddle across the parking lot as my tendons freeze up after the drive to school every morning.

Maybe I’m not impatient.  Maybe I’m just getting old.  While I am pretending to heal, I maintain the illusion that I’m not aging.  Then I realize that I’m really not healing anymore, and I have to accept that this may well be the best it gets, the youngest I’ll feel.

Nah.  That thought just totally blows. 

Never mind, then.  I’m impatient.  I want to walk a few 5ks in prep for the real deal in a few weeks.  Come on, now, Achilles – Don’t be a damn drama queen.  Give me back my calves and I promise not to make fun of you when the students start the unit on Ancient Greece.