Monday, October 13, 2014


Columbus sailed the ocean blue
In fourteen hundred ninety-two
And though the date is set in stone
We cannot leave that date alone
So Monday comes and we decide
To take a day off for a ride
Make the weekend nice and long
‘Cause changing dates is never wrong
Like holidays are nothing strange
Now watch the date of Christmas change
I like a day off here and there
But as for Mondays, I don’t care
Let the holidays still keep
A day off so I get some sleep
But thanks, Columbus, just the same
Though USA not bear your name
Thanks for bringing hate, disease
All the way across the seas
For killing natives left and right
Who never even tried to fight
For stealing all their goods and gold
From their hands, so dead and cold
And now we all appreciate
Having chances to sleep late
Columbus may not be happy
But this is all his legacy
Enjoy your great Columbus Day
And don’t sit on a packed highway
Remember Chris, that handy guy
Here’s your day off – Now you know why