Sunday, April 21, 2013


Contrary to extreme left-wing and extreme right-wing media, Boston was not a Military State during the manhunt for the Marathon bombers/terrorists.  We were not "under Martial Law" here in Boston.

There was an order to try and stay in our homes starting late Thursday night and early Friday morning and a shelter-in-place order given on Friday afternoon when the FBI et al first suspected they knew where the terrorists were (they were correct), and after the first (but not before the second) shoot-out with law enforcement.

Businesses and offices shut down voluntarily first thing Friday morning because no one knew where these yahoos were for real and they had murdered a young MIT officer in cold blood execution style without compunction. Nobody FORCED us off the streets - We did it out of safety and concern and out of RESPECT for the officers of the law. People were asked to stay in for their own protection.  People who had left for work before the area was cordoned off were still allowed into their homes (with the aid of officers to be sure no one entered their homes to hide while they were away).

Had the shelter order NOT been lifted, the homeowner and neighbor never would've seen the ladder and the blood near the boat, and darkness would've fallen while we still hunkered inside... and the suspect surely would've bled to death during the night. Many of us listened to the BPD/State Police scanner that they could've shut down from the Net, but they did not. We knew (and were in the loop if we so chose, and I personally posted a link so you all could listen in real time, too) the MOMENT he was captured when the officer in charge reported, "Suspect is in custody."

Do not judge our city unless you were here and doing what you could (staying vigilant and staying out of the way) to catch TERRORISTS.  Two IED's on American streets -- Where else and when else in American history?

We chose to stay indoors and let the professionals do their work. That's NOT Martial Law -- That's common fucking sense. Period. As for the nut jobs .... uber-libs do not mean all Democrats, uber-religious conservatives do not mean all Republicans, and not all Libertarians, Tea-Partiers, nor Constitutionalists are nut jobs -- some just love their country. I'm an unenrolled moderate, the proverbial voting fence-sitter.

Believe me, this was no Martial Law. This was Boston doing what Boston does best -- leading by example.