Thursday, April 4, 2013


Well, Easter is officially over.  I have just finished eating the last of the Easter ham.  I didn't actually cook the Easter ham; the 99 did.  But I ate the Easter ham, just the same.

My favorite part of Easter is Cadbury Eggs -- not the mini ones, but the regular sized, loaded with liquid sugar ones.   I was good this year.  In the six weeks leading up to Easter, I only scarfed down eight of them.  I mean, I could easily eat eight in one sitting, but I'm trying to maintain my somewhat bulbous-bottom figure for two weddings in the fall.  Every bite of the candies I took, I thought about dresses that will hide my Cadbury Egg Sprawl.  I also thought about exercising, but the thinking part tired me out and I had to have a Cadbury Egg and rest my brain for a while.

Seriously, though, I have to get my fat ass back to the gym.  I bought new running shoes and haven't even run in them yet.  I bought new work-out clothes and haven't even sweated in them yet.  Part of the problem is damn laziness; the other part is school.  I don't know how on earth I took two grad classes last summer because the one I'm taking now is enough to suck the life out of me.  Oh wait, I remember now.  I didn't sleep and gave myself pneumonia.  It's all coming back to me now.

I would, however, gladly put my work-out routine back on hold for any leftover Cadbury Eggs.  I'll wait a few days before I hit the store.  Maybe, just maybe they'll all be sold out by then, and willpower won't even enter into the equation.  Or maybe if I put on my new sneakers and spandex, I can run to the store to buy the Cadbury Eggs -- That's like working off the calories and pounds before I even put them on. Isn't it?

All right, all right.  I have a couple of papers to write for grad school, and my April break from my day job is approaching.  I promise to go back to the gym.  But if I pull a muscle or need Naproxen or anything, and I just happen to stop by CVS or Rite-Aid or Walgreens and they're selling Cadbury Eggs leftover from Easter, don't be blaming me.  You people are the ones who forced me to go exercise, hence hurting my muscles, hence tempting me with the leftover Easter candy sales.

You have no one to blame for my Bulbous Cadbury Egg Easter Ass except yourselves.