Sunday, April 28, 2013


I am pleased to report that I did not miss any spots on my shoulders or the backs of my arms when applying sunscreen today.  (Or my face, my forearms, my feet, and my legs below the knee -- all exposed today.)

For many of you, this would not be considered cause for celebration.  But for me, this is amazing.  The first day of sun exposure, usually at a sporting event as it was today, ordinarily means that I miss some area of skin with sunblock and end up with a Ring of Fire that make me look like a complete moron:  A stretch of forehead, the back of a leg, the top of one foot, one side of the nose, or my part-line/scalp.  

I have managed to survive three hours in the sun (mostly beating onto my back), and I do not … I repeat, I
DO NOT look like a piece of well-done bacon, I do not look like the outside of a Coca-Cola can, and I do not look like I have been tattooed with red ringlets.

Bring on summer. 

I am so ready.

(PS -  Yes, gentlemen in the bleachers who inquired, it was I who smelled like pina coladas today.  Just so you all know.  It was eau de Banana Boat SPF #8.)