Wednesday, April 17, 2013


I am writing a research paper.  

I would like to say that I don't know why I am writing a research paper, but I truly suspect that I do know why I am writing a research paper: It's a requirement for the class I am taking.

I don't know why it's a requirement for the class that I am taking because this is a writing class, a seminar class.  We are supposed to be writing not researching. 

I don't know why we are researching and not writing, especially since the class is about writer's blocks. Shouldn't we be disproving block theories or something?  Shouldn't we be finding ways to master our blocks (if we even have them)?  I hate writing research papers.

I don't know why I hate writing research papers.  After all, one doesn't actually write a research paper; one simply steals a research paper and adds a bibliography.  It's an entire paper about someone else's work that you claim you understand and assimilated into some epiphany that sounds remotely like, "In conclusion, I have learned never to take a class with a research paper requirement ever again as long as I live." And you suddenly want to shout, "AMEN!"

I don't know why I suddenly want to shout "AMEN!" because I haven’t been to church in a really, really, really long time.  I haven't been to church in a long time because the Church Lady hated teenagers, and I was co-teacher of the middle school youth classes at Sunday school.  I got tired of fighting the Church Lady, and lacrosse started every Sunday at 11:00 a.m., which, for Protestants means the middle of church services, so my family and I just stopped going and went to lacrosse games, instead.

I don't know why lacrosse started so early on Sundays except that maybe the lacrosse association was run by Catholics who could go to church on Saturday afternoons because they have enough masses at every church to ensure multiple collection plate passes in a single weekend, like the Bingo gross without having to actually call any numbers.  "And the Lord said, B13!"  Or maybe it was run by Jewish people who could attend temple on Fridays, or maybe, just maybe, the lacrosse program was run by a bunch of stinkin' atheists and agnostics, but I really think the agnostics would balk at Sunday morning games, you know, just in case.

I don't know why agnostics would balk at lacrosse trumping church since they're non-believers, sort of. 
Okay, agnostics are Christians with commitment issues.  Agnostics are the perpetual bachelors of the religious world, the true survivors of the age of Davey and Goliath.  They are the proverbial fence sitters who will swear Christ's name all over the damn place but slap you senseless if you fart near a church.

I don't know why you shouldn't far near a church.  Perhaps I could write a research paper about it.

I don't know why I'm writing a research paper.  Perhaps it's because the old lady swallowed a fly.  I don't know why she swallowed the fly; perhaps she'll die.