Wednesday, September 12, 2018


Thirty days of hotness;
One day it gets cool;
Wearing sweaters for a day;
Other days the pool.
Briefly there is respite,
I think that I might live.
Then it's back to eighty!
Oh, what I would give
To feel the breeze and chill
Instead of constant sweat.
What happens when it cools off?
Rain! So, now it's wet.
Come on, Mother Nature,
You're making me insane.
What's with all the drama?
What the hell's your game?
Just a taste of autumn
Then summer's back for more;
Little bit of sunshine
Then muggy with downpour.
I know that you do hate me
And I often wonder why
You nasty, Mother Nature,
Are trying to make me fry?
Eventually fall happens
For a teeny tiny bit,
Then you'll dump the snow on
And the leaves all go to shit.
It's okay, I'm ready
If you'd maybe just agree
To bring a little temp drop
To make us all happy.
But don't be going crazy
Like you often get:
Just a taste of autumn --
'Cause it ain't winter yet!