Friday, November 30, 2018


I'm going to change my name to Noah and build my bad self an ark.  It seems like all it does is rain.  Rain.  And rain some more.  Then rain again.  And it's not that piddley-ass rain; I'm talking about extensive torrential downpours.  The puddles are huge and the rivers are close to their spilling points.

It's like I live in typhoon country ... except that it's freaking cold.  Oh, sure, not cold enough to snow where I live.  Just cold enough to dump icy rain that slicks the roads and gets into my bones so that I'm cold for hours.

The other day it actually stopped raining and didn't rain the entire day.  I wouldn't exactly say that the sun came out; it has been quite a while since we've seen a sunny, blue-sky day.  It's just so damn gloomy all the time.  It makes me cranky. 

There's a rumor that we may have a big storm next week.  I'll tell you this -- it damn-well had better be snow.  I am sick to death of this rain crap.  Besides, I have yet to begin my winter shoveling diatribes (honestly ... I like to shovel and it makes my biceps seem more impressive than perhaps they really are). 

So, listen up: If it rains any more in the next week, you may all refer to me as Noah of Ark (Joan's wayward sister).  But, if it snows... YOU'RE WELCOME!