Friday, November 9, 2018



We haven't really seen it in weeks around here, and word has it that we won't be seeing it again for a while.  I finally have ideal weather for snapping pictures of foliage.  The only problem is that the last few weeks of Nor'Easters and wind and pounding rain (and thunder and lightning) has left us with very little left to see in the colorful leaves department.

I have errands to run after work, errands that take me in giant circles around the gas company and plumbers who are madly trying to put our area back together.  Yes, seven weeks later, they're still here doing triage.  This is how I happen to find myself face to face with the town park where there just happens to be a tree with bright yellow leaves attached.


The sky is still blue, but now that we've fallen back an hour, dusk is rapidly descending.  Unfortunately there are no parking spaces available, so I pull over to the side of the road, put on my blinker, jump out of my still-running car, and snap a couple of photos.  I don't know how they come out because I just activated my new phone about twenty hours earlier and still haven't figured it out yet.

I am pleased to report that I have actually been able to snap a fall foliage picture, after all.  My autumn is complete.  Okay, it can snow now.