Sunday, July 29, 2018


I've been picking on my sister for a couple of days now over her colonoscopy, and it's my turn to go to the doctor a few days later.  Nothing major -- it's my routine summer physical.  At least, I hope it's nothing major.

I'm up-to-date on my shots, my gropes, and my swipes, so I'm not anticipating anything catastrophic.  I've put on a couple of pounds since last year, but I haven't started shrinking in height yet, so I think I can call this a definite win.  My EKG is surprisingly quick, so I'm either healthy or dead.  I've already scheduled my yearly mammogram and a check-up with the skin doctor, so I answer all of her inquiries correctly except the ones about vitamins and staying out of the sun.  I'm trying to eat healthier and be outside more, but my doctor thinks I'm probably low on the vitamin D.  (Hence the sunshine...?)

After I pretty much pass my physical, I need to go get blood drawn in the lab.  Having needles is a hit or miss for me.  I don't so much mind having them, but sometimes I bruise up like a pro sports player after a rough game.  I don't mind the giant black and blues during long-sleeve season, but it's the heart of summer.  If I bruise up, everyone on the planet will know I've been to the blood lab.

Luckily, I do not bruise.  I get a fabulous band-aid (Roadrunner), which stays on for about fifteen minutes until I make my next stop: the teacher supply store.  I pull off the band-aid and the gauze, toss it toward the floor, and see the gauze from my sister's IV on her colonoscopy day (we took my car).  Oh, yeah -- we forgot to throw the gauze away after running errands post-procedure.

I will admit that her leftover bandage is much more impressive than is mine, but she had a bigger needle for a longer period of time; I have a mere blood draw that takes about thirty seconds and leaves no mark, not even a pinpoint. Still, I think I win.  After all, my sister got white Acme gauze and some Acme medical tape.  I get Roadrunner.  Beep!  Beep! 

Okay, okay.  I'll stop picking on my sister.  For now.  At least until I get my blood work back.  Hopefully karma won't stick me, and there won't be any need for more gauze.