I don't like coloring.
I'll do it, but it's not my passion. When I was a kid, my sister bought herself those fancy, oversized coloring books with intricate drawings. She colored perfectly then (and now still). No matter how careful I am, I cannot stay inside the lines.
I guess this could be the mantra of my life. I have often been called a Rule Follower, and, in some instances, I am. But, I'm also a list-maker, a problem-solver, and a fan of creative solutions. This means that although I try to do things by the book, I often stray outside the intended and appropriate lines. Apparently, I have been unable to stay inside the proper lines my whole life and just didn't realize the scope of my problem until I tried coloring.
For some reason, I bring home a coloring sheet on the last day of school. It is in the hallway, hanging from a folder taped to the wall under a sign that says, "Stress Relief -- Take one." So, I do (Rule Follower). I start coloring it with pencils and quickly realize that there are too many small spots. No matter what I do, I know I'm going to wreck it and color out of the lines. So much for the relaxing, stress relief of the intended picture.
I walk away from the paper several times, but I am determined to finish it. Damn the lines. Who cares? It's not going to be perfect no matter what.
It takes me several attempts and a couple of hours, but I finish the coloring and cut out the circle. I hang it on the fridge, but I think I might put it on the bulletin board above my personal desk. It may not be perfect, but it's finished, and that alone relieves some stress.