Game on!
Today the countdown starts officially. The holiday season is upon us, and I am sort of ready. Well, I'm about on par for my readiness factor. There is still a massive amount of stuff to get done, and I've only myself to blame.
Every year I say I'll be ready, and every year I go screeching to the finish line like a crazy person. Perhaps it's just the way I function -- the flurry of lists, the frenzy of shipping things out, the excitement of hearing from and touching base with friends, the fabulous exhaustion when it all winds down.
I suppose if I look at it all that way, I am ready.
Bring it, Holiday Season. Bring on your greetings and your colors and your lights and your mad rush to the finish line. It all starts today, and the mouse and I will make it to day #24 and beyond. Game on.