Sunday, December 24, 2017


Timing is what happens when you're wrapping Christmas presents and you get to the very last one when the tape runs out ... as you're ready to tape down that very last edge.

Oh, it's all okay.  I bought lots of tape on sale weeks ago at Staples.  I anticipated a much worse situation on the tape front, although I think we've gone through three rolls already.  Bear in mind that this includes prepping packages to ship.

Anyway, I do have one more gift to wrap.  Other than that, I think I'm as done as I'm going to get.  If the tape completely runs out, as in "I have no more rolls," I will start slapping gifts in plastic bags.  I do love you all, however I am NOT braving any stores on Christmas Eve, especially not for tape.

Good thing I have perfect timing because I am pretty much done wrapping, and I still have one unopened roll of the good tape (Scotch brand -- not that cheap-ass Staples shit that peels into pieces and strips and doesn't work for shit). 

To any and all of you hitting any stores today for such things as tape, wrapping paper, or bows, I just have one thing to say: "SUCKERS."