Tuesday, July 19, 2016


I don't have a lot of free time to spare.  I have been trying to read some books that I enjoy and some young adult novels for school, and I'm trying to do a bunch of other stuff, as well, so time is a fairly limited commodity.

Every summer, though, for some reason, I start reading a book only to discover that I've read it already ... but cannot seem to recall the outcome; so, I re-read the entire thing.  One long novel in particular has been re-read no less than four times, and you know what?  I still cannot tell you what it's about.  (I just looked up the book online, read the plot summary, and it still doesn't ring too much of a bell.)

Going to the beach, I grab one of the YA novels to take with me.  I end up with a twisted book about the Civil War.  Sort of.  It's also about 1916.  Sort of.  By the third chapter, I'm reasonably certain I've read this book before, but, since I cannot remember it clearly, I keep reading.

And reading.  And reading some more.

I remember the twist in the plot about thirty seconds before I stumble on to it in black and white on the book page, and the let-down makes Deflategate seem like a party.  Why, why, why did I spend time reading the book ... again?

I still have a pile of books to get through, but I'm changing gears to something new, something I know just came out from the publisher.  After all, I don't have a lot of time to spare, and I'd rather not read the same plot twist multiple times ... again.