Friday, July 15, 2016



Okay, here it is: What. The. Fuck.  No, seriously.  What. The. Fuck.

I am not a fan of celebrity watching; to me, it's not a sport worth pursuing, but I don't dis those who engage in it.  I like wine tasting; that's my sport of choice, and I don't really care what anyone thinks of how I spend my Saturdays.  It's nobody's business unless I blog about it, but, even then, it's really not your business.

Do celebrities post photos of themselves and their activities on social media?  Sure they do.  Do I post photos of myself and my activities on social media?  Sure I do.

The difference is that my postings go to a small selection of people and my photos (and friends' reactions) are usually fleeting and harmless.  Usually.

Here's the rub: Social media is having a feeding frenzy over a photo of Victoria Beckham kissing her own daughter.  Oh. My. God.  To make it worse, she is kissing her own small daughter ... gasp ... ON THE MOUTH.  I mean, a peck between mom lips and daughter lips!  Holy shit!  Holy frigging shit, y'all!

You want to know what I think?  I think ... I think ... I think that #1 it's none of my damn business, and #2 social media is full of perverts.  PERVERTS.  If you think the Beckham family showing innocent affection to each other is sexual, YOU ARE A SICK, PERVERTED, DISGUSTING, HATEFUL, DEVIANT, HIDEOUS, MONSTROUS PERVERT.

I raised three kids who turned out relatively well.  We don't always get along, we don't always like each other, but, deep down, we all love each other.  When we part, there is always a brushing cheek kiss and an "I love you," even if we are royally pissed off at each other because, God forbid, if it's the last time we ever see or speak to each other, there cannot be any regret about parting on bad terms.  This is how we act as adults.

When my kids were little, we did what all normal, loving parents do: We made duck-lip puckers to our kids, who responded with duck-lip puckers, and we gave each other quick duck-lip pucker kisses.  That's what parents do -- not perverted parents, not deviant parents, but parents who love their kids.

Christalmighty.  First I cannot raise my kids to play with whatever toys they want to play with nor to play whatever sports they want.  Then, I cannot spank my kids (not BEAT ... SPANK) when they do something horribly wrong, like stick a fork into an electric socket or bite Grandma until her finger is gangrenous. Now, I cannot show my kids any affection at all because I'm a pervert?

What. The. Fuck. The world has officially gone full-scale, nut-fucking CRAZY.

Is Victoria Beckham opening herself up for commentary posting this picture on social media?  Probably.  Okay, absolutely.  But, jesusmaryandjoseph, there is NOTHING perverse about kissing (not making out with, not Frenching, not tonguing) YOUR OWN CHILD.

Honestly.  With everything else in this world to worry about, SHUT THE FUCK UP about a parent who loves her child.  This is the answer to our problems not the root of them. Seriously.