Tuesday, May 31, 2016


Thank you, Weather Forecasters.
Thank you for predicting that Monday, Memorial Day, is going to suck and rain and be shitty all day.
Your forecast allows me to relax outside in the sun for a while.
I think it might've sprinkled ever so slightly this morning because I see water on the patio chairs.
Other than that, today has been glorious.
Of course, I left today to do work, being stuck inside and all.
Oh, Weather Forecasters.
I pick on you people a lot.
It's not like you don't deserve it.
You have the latest technology and still cannot make accurate predictions.
The town in which I work cancelled their parade because of you idiots.
"It's gonna RAIN!!!!  All hell's gonna break loose!  Batten the hatches!!!!!"
Dumb jerks.
Thank you, though.
Thank you for telling me how horrible it is going to be.
Today is like a gift.
The sun is shining and the windows are open.
It's like winning the lottery before returning to work Tuesday.
Thank you from the bottom of my sun-kissed heart and to
The top of my reddened decolletage.
Not gong to lie -- I love it when you're wrong.