Saturday, May 14, 2016


Apparently there is a study out that claims spending time at the beach can improve our moods.

Ummmm .... DUH.  Did someone really need to do a study on this?  I could've done the study and come up with the same data.

Years ago I worked for an educational government service agency.  The office always received the latest government publications of available grant money (bound larger than New York phone books).  One of the grants was for $35,000 to determine how long it took to cook a three-minute egg.

Hmmmm.  I'll wager a wild guess at three minutes.  And I'll wager that guess for a mere $29,500, saving the taxpayers a substantial chunk of change.

Honestly now.  Of course the beach lifts our moods.  The waves and the salty air are restorative even on a bad day.  I've gone to the beach in the dead of winter during the coldest of days just to get a glimpse of the water.  If I didn't live near the ocean, I don't know what I'd do.  If I lived in the Midwest, I'd probably be in an asylum from salt-air withdrawal.

Sure, people say large lakes are the same.  No, no they are not.  They're especially not the Atlantic.  Can you gaze across Lake Superior (well, no, actually you can't, but stay with me here) and know England is over there?  Nope.  Oh, don't be telling me about Canada or that people can see Russia or any bull like that.  These are merely freshwater envy statements.

The beach -- the ocean beach -- is an unmatched entity.  If people don't know that about the beach by now, they're doing it damn wrong.