Monday, May 2, 2016


What a fantastic weekend!

Friday I leave work and go directly to pick up team gear for a 5k on Sunday.  I have ten people on the team, so I get a big box with everything in it.  The sponsors are remarkably organized, so I'm in and out in no time.  I run to Whole Foods to grab fruit and munchies, which I madly cut and organize onto plates, then the fruit and I head out to a trivia fundraiser for Boston Children's Hospital.  (Our motto is, "It's for the children, damnit.")

Saturday I clean, organize, shop, bake, do laundry, do some work, write a blog, and still manage to make it to a wine tasting.  I cannot squeeze in my friend's meditation class, though I could probably use it.  I turn on the television and watch the Red Sox spank the Yankees while making banana and pumpkin breads and blueberry muffins and brownies.  I finally roll myself into bed around 12:30.

Sunday I'm up early and getting ready for the 5k, which I will be walking.  A gang of us are meeting at my house then heading up to stroll through town and through the bird sanctuary.  After the 5k, we meander back to my house just as light rain is starting, but it's okay, though.  At my house we have food and drink (Mimosas and Bellinis), great conversation, some laughs, and generally exhaust ourselves.  Later after the party ends, I get sidetracked ordering some new bedding for the family -- sheets, blankets, etc.  My sister calls, so we chat for a while.  I finish up my daughter's laundry for her, then run a load of laundry for me, one for my son, and a third for towels and a bedspread that I discovered tucked away  (I'm going to see if it's salvageable), watch a little television; in other words, I do a whole lot of nothing.

I start to doze on Sunday afternoon, completely forgetting that I want to try to fit in a new activity of a drumming circle.  I truly do want to fit it all in, make it a true trifecta of a weekend, but it's not meant to be.  It's well-past dinner time, and I'm still working on laundry, ironing, loading dishes into the dishwasher from the sink, and other mindless, stress-free chores.  At some point, I should probably shower, too, lest I stink my neighbors out into the street.

I don't get it all done, but I do get enough done.  Sheets are washed and changed, too, so it'll be one of those nights -- ladies know what I mean: clean sheets, clean body, freshly shaved legs.  Shakespeare really was right; all's well that ends well.  Bring on Monday.  This time I truly believe I am ready.