Thursday, July 9, 2015


I admit it; I don’t know what the hell is wrong with people. 

I’m out taking a long walk late this afternoon, and it’s sweltering hot outside still, even at 5:30.  I walk through the part of town that is populated by large old homes, most of which have been remodeled and updated to attract newcomers who don’t love old houses with creaky floors like some of us do.

Several of these homes are on the market either for sale or for lease, so I’ve perused the insides via realtor websites.  The kitchens are so over the top that I could never cook in them – too many bells and whistles, and way too many unnecessary doo-dads on the miles and miles of cabinets.  Crown molding is everywhere, as is wainscoting, both of which, I hate to inform people, are bitches to dust and polish.

These homes are for sale in the millions and for rent for mere $7000-$10,000 per month.  That’s not what gets my goat, though.  What gets my goat is that these multi-bazillion dollar homes never, ever have their windows open.  Not ever.

Granted, today it’s massively muggy, so the central air is probably on, or so I surmise, until I look closer.  None of these homes has screens on its windows.  This means the people inside never get fresh air or cross-breezes.  They never air out the germs that latently attach themselves to furniture and drapes and rugs.  The stink of their own lives never leaves their bodies or noses.

How can anyone live without opening their windows ever? 

And it’s not just one house or two houses.  I’ve noticed this on several old houses all around town.  As this realization begins irking me, I notice a couple of brand new houses along my route also lack screens.  It’s so unfathomable to me that I actually stop my walk and stare for far too long, absolutely disbelieving what my eyes are seeing.

Imagine raising children in homes where fresh air never graces the rooms and where the same stagnant air recycles between breathing entities, including pets and any varmint living within the walls.

One of the houses for sale is having an open house soon.  I am tempted to walk in and ask the realtor how much the house is.  When she tells me the inflated dollar amount, I’ll roll my head back and shriek with laughter.  “For a house with no screens?  Surely, you’re JOKING!  Honestly, madam, what the hell is WRONG with people?”