Thursday, February 19, 2015


Have you ever been so tired that you cannot move?

You see toddlers reach this point when they’re fighting nap time.  They can fall asleep right in the middle of babbling about why they don’t need naps.  (Oh, the irony.) 

I sometimes have trouble falling asleep and pretty much always have trouble staying asleep.  Yet, I can sneak in a quick nap anywhere, anytime, anyhow: couch, comfy chair, in front of the computer, stop lights.  I once dozed off while washing dishes in the sink.

Tonight, though, I am so tired that I cannot move. 

It all started this morning when I woke up too early to make sure my trash was out at the end of my driveway.  Add that to ninety minutes of snowshoeing for the first time (a story for another blog) and a day full of errands that included sitting in the car dealership, and I have reached zombie status.

I.  Can’t.  Move.

As a result, today’s blog post is to remind people not to snowshoe and snooze at the same time.  It might be very dangerous, especially if branches in the woods are involved.

You’re welcome.