Tuesday, February 24, 2015


I am planning on going to Boston immediately after work on Monday.  I have tickets to the Beanpot, and I intend to make it there for the entire thing.

For those unfamiliar, the Beanpot is a yearly hockey tournament between Boston College, Boston University, Northeastern University, and Harvard.  The originally scheduled date for the finals was two weeks ago, but the snow and other disasters prevented this from taking place.

Getting into Boston shouldn't be such an adventure, but I have an after-school meeting, and the T (MBTA, which is out transit system) has been a total and complete clusterfuck for three weeks now.

I'll let you all know how it turns out.  If I don't post a blog on Wednesday, you can be assured that I have been abandoned at a T station, unable to get back to my car, or that I am being held hostage on a train to nowhere ala Charlie on the MTA of song.

Either way, I intend to see some great hockey.  Consolation game starts at 4:30, and the finals start at 7:30.  With any luck, the T will get me there before the first game starts and home after the last game ends.  If not, I'll be hiking it back to whatever orange line station is holding my car hostage.

Wish me luck -- If I never return, please have a sandwich waiting for me in a bag at the Wellington station for when I fly by on the subway, just in case.